Buku IPS SMA Kelas 10 Merdeka

by Kurikulum Merdeka

Books & Reference


This Android application is a Student Book and Social Sciences (Social Sciences) Teachers Guidebook...

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This Android application is a Student Book and Social Sciences (Social Sciences) Teachers Guidebook for SMA / SMK Class X Independent Curriculum. In Pdf format.Social Sciences (IPS) is a combination of various groups of social sciences and humanities. The interaction of humans as individuals and groups with nature and their environment over time and space is the focus of social studies studies. This class X social studies student textbook is an introduction for students to get to know and understand various social science and humanities disciplines. Therefore, each scientific discipline is presented independently so that students know and understand the characteristics and particularities of each scientific discipline.The first theme is the subject "Indonesian History" with a focus on human studies in space and time. In the first theme, students are trained to understand the character of historical science while developing a mindset and historical skills, especially Indonesian history.The second theme is the subject "Sociology" with a focus on the study of individuals and society in the context of Indonesian society. Although the initial part presents the history and development of sociology which is closely related to the context of Western society, the material in this theme elaborates on various social phenomena that occur in Indonesia. The next theme is the subject "Economic Sciences" with a focus on studying human efforts to meet needs with limited means of satisfaction.The discussion on this theme is presented in the Indonesian context. The hope is that this can facilitate students skills in thinking and acting economically wisely in accordance with the values ​​of the Indonesian nation. The fourth theme is the subject "Geography" with a focus on the study of humans in space and their interactions with nature and the environment. At the end of the class, students are expected to have awareness of space and management of their living space, including becoming active citizens who maintain the sustainability of the environment where they live.Theme by theme is arranged in such a way that students understand interdisciplinary approaches to science, including using various scientific perspectives in an interdisciplinary manner in studying a phenomenon. The project research recommendations presented at the end of this book can be a forum for elaborating students understanding of various scientific disciplines in a holistic and integrated manner.Hopefully this application can be useful and become a loyal friend in the teaching and learning process at all times.Please give us reviews and input for the development of this application, give us a 5 star rating to encourage us to develop other useful applications.Happy reading.Disclaimer:This Student Book or Teachers Guide is a free book whose copyright is owned by the Ministry of Education and Culture.Material sourced from https://www.kemdikbud.go.id. We help provide these learning resources but do not represent the Ministry of Education and Culture.